Goals and Objectives of 360° Nutrition Innovations
Welcome to Global Public Health Innovations (GPHI) 360° Nutrition Innovations! GPHI's 360° Nutrition Innovations is focused on empowering people to make lifestyle changes that promote healthy living through eating a nutritious diet. It is a new way of thinking and a new way of doing things. Each GPHI client receives a
personal health and nutrition profile designed intervention to meet your needs. Too many people in today's world practice poor nutrition and eating behaviors, many times resulting in weight problems or a host of other serious, potentially long-term medical conditions.
GPHI supports you to change
eating habits and lifestyles in order to lead a healthier life. Dr. Sharon Marie
Lund analyzes your current diet and gives you solid well researched feedback to
make changes. She walks with you on your journey to change your habits and
supports your healthy lifestyle changes by providing feedback through personally
designed periodic assessments. This nutrition innovation intervention can be accessed by individuals (one-to-one), groups (families, social groups, etc.) or communities (workplaces, fitness centers, etc.).
GPHI's 360° Nutrition Innovations is not like other nutrition programs. It is simple, can be life changing and empowers you to take control of your own life. It is all up to you! GPHI's 360° Nutrition
Innovations creates a personal profile for each client. The factors included in the profile are diet, behavior and body shape and image. You provide the information on these factors by completing three forms and interact directly with Dr. Sharon Marie Lund, Ph.D., a nutritional epidemiologist. Dr. Lund analyzes your current diet and recommends changes for a healthier lifestyle. She uses the
Stages of Change Model concept to assist you to modify your behavior. Because each client is unique, recommendations are individualized to meet your needs. 360° Nutrition
Innovations is a confidential, interactive process between you and Dr. Lund.