360° Nutrition Innovations Background Information
The foundation of GPHI's 360° Nutrition Innovations is building good health through good nutrition to help prevent diet related illness and disease. In other words PREVENTION, PREVENTION and more PREVENTION!
The building blocks of GPHI's 360° Nutrition Innovations are diet assessment, body shape and image, and diet behavior. Dr. Lund uses the Stages of Change concept to assist behavior modification. Recommendations are individualized for each client.
What is Nutritional Epidemiology?
360° Nutrition Innovations is based on the science of nutritional epidemiology, the basis for public health nutrition. Nutritional epidemiology studies the relationship between diet and long-term health and disease through directly relating the food we eat to the risk of death or disease. The complex nature of peoples' diets poses an unusually difficult challenge to the nutritional epidemiologist.
What is Diet Assessment?
Diet assessment measures diet by estimating diet quality and identifying strengths and weaknesses, and nutrients that may cause disease. Diet assessment is an important tool used to plan and monitor diets in disease prevention and to educate people about healthy lifestyles.
360° Nutrition Innovations diet assessment step uses a 3 Day 24-Hour Diet Record to document diet. GPHI 360° Nutrition
Innovations client is asked to complete a dietary record for two week days and one weekend day of a seven day period. This is important because diets usually change on the weekend. Accurate dietary information is crucial for correct diet and behavior analysis results.
Dietary analysis compares what a person actually eats with the types and amounts of foods that are recommended to maintain health. Recommendations can vary from country to country. An analysis based on foods rather than nutrients is easier to understand because ultimately people use food choices to change their diets.
Why Do Body Shape and Image Matter?
Body image and shape perception is an important factor to be considered when making healthy choices in diet and improving quality of life. A person's perception of their appearance can be different from how they actual look. Body image is a person's perception of how they look and may or may not be accurate. A person's sense of their own physical appearance, usually in relation to others or in relation to some cultural "ideal", can shape their body image.
The waist-to-hip ratio, "Apple or Pear" body shapes, is the ratio of the waist measured at its narrowest, and the hips measured the widest point. This ratio is an easy way to determine the body fat distribution as it relates to the risk of long-term or recurring diseases.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to indicate if a person is underweight, overweight, obese or normal weight. BMI is determined using height and weight. The dancing figures in GPHI's 360° Nutrition
Innovations Step Three: Body Image and Shape Form represent body shapes of the various BMI's.
What is Diet Behavior Assessment?
GPHI's diet behavior assessment method uses the Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change (Stages of Change). The idea behind the Stages of Change Model is that behavior is not changed in one step! Rather, people tend to progress through different stages on their way to successful change. The five stages of change include: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance. Each of us progresses through the stages at our own rate. Dr. Lund uses the stages of change concept to assist clients to modify their own diet behavior. Because each client is unique, the recommendations are individualized for each client.
Footnote: Trans-theoretical (Stages of Change) Model was originally developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente at the University of Rhode Island.