Multi-Step 360° Nutrition Innovations Client FormsBEGIN HERE
GPHI’s multi-step 360° Nutrition Innovations offers a new approach to achieving a healthy diet and optimal health. It allows you to practice beneficial lifestyle changes based on reliable evidence-based nutrition and health information. Nutrition science research shows that simple changes in diet and lifestyle can improve health and reduce the risk of diet related illnesses. Dr. Sharon Marie Lund uses her extensive science and research background to provide cutting edge analysis and recommendations based on your personal health and diet profile.
360° Nutrition Innovations personal nutrition profile assessment involves 4 easy steps to map your nutritional health and customize your nutritional care:
- The personal health history step collects personal demographic and health information.
- The diet assessment step collects three 24-hour diet food records over a one week period for an assessment of current dietary intake.
- The diet behavior assessment step uses the ‘Stages of Change' model to identify dietary changes necessary for a healthier diet.
- The body image and shape assessment step determines body image as compared to actual body image and how body shape impacts long-term chronic diseases.
You will receive your personal nutrition profile assessment results from Dr. Lund within 5 business days of submitting your information. Your diet, behavior, body shape and image personal profile data is stored in a secure individual password protected account. You can easily access your information and assessment results by signing into your personal account.
The information you provide GPHI's 360° Nutrition Innovations is confidential. You are assigned a number when you enroll. No personally identifiable information (name, address, phone, etc.) is collected or attached to your personal nutritional profile assessment information. You can monitor your progress to a healthier lifestyle from assessment to assessment through your health and nutrition information in your personal account (i.e., week to week, month to month, year to year). It's important to consult your medical doctor if you have health issues. 360° Nutrition Innovations should not replace consultations with your medical doctor.
You can monitor your progress to a healthier lifestyle from assessment to assessment through your health and nutrition information in your personal account (i.e., week to week, month to month, year to year).
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Global Public Health Innovations Inc.’s financial transactions are secured by Wells Fargo Merchant Services.
Sorry, credit cards only; no checks or money orders accepted.
* If you are not satisfied with your GPHI multi-step 360° Nutrition Innovations personal nutrition profile assessment,
your $25 fee will be refunded upon receipt of your written request.